Dhammanikhom Vipassana-Meditationszentrum

Hauptstr. 18

03185 Heinersbrück


email: kloster@dhammanikhom.de

phone: 0049 35601-803804


If you wish to contact us please write an E-mail or give us a call. We are not always able to answer the landline, but there is an answering machine. If you leave a voice message we will call you back as soon as possible. If we only see a missed call, usually we don´t call back.


Please note: For any contact our data protection statement applies. 

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Holidays (Uposathas)


Traditionally, Buddhist holidays are based on the lunar calendar. Here at the monastery, the schedule is also changed on the full and new moon days (sometimes also the two crescent moon days) and we are not available by phone on Uposathas and do not answer emails.


We follow the Thai lunar calendar.


The corresponding Uposathas can be viewed here: https://cal.forestsangha.org/calendar